Summer 2022 Review
And that’s a wrap on our Summer 2022 Programming! A huge THANK YOU to our volunteers, staff, campers, and families for making this a powerful, impactful, and memorable summer! This summer, we had four different campsites that hosted a multitude of programs throughout the summer. The past 12 weeks, were full of making memories, helping youth find their passions and having fun all while implementing our S.P.A.R.K. mindset and thrive-ology methods. S – We are safe. P – We are proactive. A – We are accepting. R – We are respectful. K – We are kind.
We finished out the summer with 944 unique campers attending one or more sessions. In total Camp Fire Heart of Iowa held…
- 11 weeks of day camp
- 7 weeks of overnight camp (including Camp Brave)
- 2 mini-overnight sessions
- 2 Apprentice Sessions
- Leadership Challenge (2 weeks overnight)
- Canoe Outpost
While school may be starting up again and the summer fun has come and gone, Camp Fire is excited to launch another round of school year programming! Camp Fire Iowa hosts many different programs throughout the school year to keep the magic of camp all year round and keep “lighting the fire within!” Join us this year and explore all our program offerings here.