2022 Spring Volunteer Day & Open House Recap
This spring, we had our annual Spring Volunteer Day and Open House up at Camp Hantesa in Boone. Our open house serves as a day for potential campers to view our facilities, meet Camp Staff, and sign up for camp weeks. This year, we had 15 new camp families attend, and almost all were registered for summer programs! It was an afternoon enjoyed by all with lots of s’mores were had before departing. Our spring volunteer day had 25 attendees, including staff (seasonal and professional), alumni, parents, and even some campers. Volunteers got a lot of prep work done for the camp opening! They picked up litter along Oriole Road, split and stacked wood, spread a lot of mulch around trees, in flower beds, and in the rock garden, and also there was a crew raking rock back into the road (since its a gravel road the plow knocks it off during the winter). In total, we accrued about 85 total hours of work with this group! We are ready to welcome more than 1,000 kids to our programs in a few short weeks!